Business Tips

While only a few months ago it may not have seemed possible, most states are now lifting mask and social distancing mandates, meaning life where you live and elsewhere in the nation is slowly but surely returning to normal. However, the COVID-19 pandemic took quite a toll on businesses, yours included.

Posted July 22, 2021
Tax Planning

If you are like many people, you may be involved in cryptocurrency trading, such as Bitcoin. If this is the case, don't assume that you have found a Shangri-La that means any money you earn is not sought after by the IRS to be taxed.

Posted July 14, 2021
Business Strategies

Brainstorming is a fun and effective way to stimulate the creative side of your brain. If you want to leverage the post-pandemic surge in business, you may be thinking about starting a business. But ideas can be hard to come by; especially when you feel that time is of the essence.

Posted July 6, 2021
Business Tips

If you are a business owner and have thousands of customers buying your product or service on a daily basis, this sounds like a great formula for success. However, there’s more to the success formula than sales. You need to pay attention to your customer acquisition cost.

Posted June 28, 2021
Business Strategies

As a business owner, you have put in many long hours making sure your business is successful. But if you want to keep it growing in the years ahead, you will need to develop a brand strategy that will keep your business and its products or services appealing to both new and existing customers.

Posted June 18, 2021
Business Analysis

If you have a specific societal problem you would like to address, such as a charitable cause, educational issue, or even helping unwanted dogs and cats find their forever homes, you may be thinking about starting a non-profit organization.

Posted June 10, 2021
Budgeting Tips

If you are an employer and want to gain instant popularity with your employees, hand out bonuses at the end of the year, or any other time, for that matter. Along with showing your appreciation for their hard work, bonuses also demonstrate that you are willing to share your company's success with all those who are making it happen.

Posted June 2, 2021
Tax Planning

Now that you are close to retiring, you need to decide where you wish to spend your post-work life. Even if you have planned well and have plenty of financial resources at your disposal, you also realize that money doesn't go as far as it did years ago.

Posted May 27, 2021
Tax Tips

While most people are accustomed to being in debt for homes, cars, and other things, being in debt to the IRS is a different matter altogether. Since the federal government does not appreciate it when folks don't pay the amount of taxes they owe, the penalties for tax debt are often severe.

Posted May 19, 2021
Budgeting Tips

As the COVID-19 pandemic has raged across the U.S.

Posted May 11, 2021